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Welcome to biPolar Bedouin – a blog focused by…unfocusing it.  There will be some posts on travel, some on tattoos, others on mototrcycles, writing and really anything else that strikes my fancy.

Maybe you enjoy it, maybe you don’t…but then again, I’m not sure this is really for anyone else besides me and seems to me that is just fine.  Field of Dreams was, after all, only a movie and just because I “make it” doesn’t mean anyone will come…and I get that.

And let’s be right up front, I’m not the first guy to do this…the web has a special little corner where far too many have jumped into cyberspace hoping to provide something new and unique to the world or to just provide a record of their lives.  Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing sites and bloggers out there.  And I’m not saying I’m one of them…I just figure maybe there are others who will enjoy or at least react to the writing I post.

Now, I don’t know where this will go or what it will become, if anything, but feel free to comment, debate or share your perspectives….

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